lucila soto

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If we don’t remember me… December 21, 2011

Filed under: This side of the blue. — Lucila Soto @ 3:49 pm

Asymmetry I (as per Delia Gonzalez’s Relevee)

Blind but chromatic, strong but bashful.

Over the edge, over the ledge, overstated


Dripping soundlessly, open to rhetoric synchrony.

Never before, never again, never forsake


Tripping, tipping and tripping off.


Asymmetry II (as per Moby’s Victoria Lucas)

In a place called Armonia,

briskly, flawlessly, carelessly,

a girl felt mad with love

with a boy called Utopia.

Curiously, wordlessly, incoherently

they parted ways, never

to be far apart, nor close by.

Remote spectators, frequent visitations,

fluent commentators, conflict generators.

Circular, pendular, orbital, within reach but ephemeral.

Maurizio Cattelan


Asymmetry III (as per All, Maurizio Cattelan)

It all is about conflict,

It all is abut the order of chaos,

is both conscience and blissful incoherence.

A gestural symptom of what lies,

and lies within, a symbolism

of that which hides in plain sight.

It’s all about the strong and determined

movement of action, caught by a blinking eye.

An ever escaping moment that will now happen,

again and again, repeated,

with each regard.

It’s all about a silent and tender slap in the face,

bringing more a smile than a tear,

but which will forever leave you soiled inside.